New London Community Fund receives matching grant
New London residents Joe Van Alstine and Lori Dehlinger Van Alstine noticed the nearby communities of Shawano, Clintonville and Waupaca had an affiliate of the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region.

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Shared Lori: “We looked around and thought, why doesn’t New London have a fund in place to support its local nonprofits in forever?”
Both retired, Joe said the duo decided to create a fund.
“We knew many people, so we decided to start one,” he said. “We began by doing a lot of education to those we knew about what a community fund is and how it works.”
Creating the New London Community Fund, a permanent endowment within the Community Foundation, provides area residents an opportunity to give back and provide support for the betterment and growth of New London, forever, Lori said.

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Discussions about the fund began with the Community Foundation about 18 months ago.
“There was a learning curve, but we kept at it and the Community Foundation helped us a lot,” she said.
When applications opened earlier this year for the Marilynn Taylor/Wohlt Cheese Fund, which supports projects in New London and the surrounding areas, Joe and Lori applied for a matching grant opportunity to help build the endowment fund. The fund received $40,000 in matching grants over two years.

Lori Dehlinger Van Alstine and Joe Van Alstine
The New London Community Fund has between now and April to raise $20,000 from the community to get the first part of the match. Then, the fund will have next fall through April of 2024 to earn the other $20,000.
Joe said the match created a lot of excitement for the fund.
“Having the matching grant will help build community buy-in and it will be easier to approach businesses and individuals. People understand what a match is. They know if you give $50 or $500, the gift is doubled,” he said. “The fund is now in a different place with the match. We’re excited about what comes next.”
Top Photo: New London Kids Fishing Day.
To support the New London Community Fund, make a gift online here.
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