Thankful for the gift of learning
The Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region awards hundreds of scholarships annually to high school graduates and college students. Lucie Spanbauer, a 2021 high school graduate, received the Jackie Johnson Fox Communities Credit Union Scholarship and recently shared her gratitude:

Lucie Spanbauer
Dear Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region,
I was this year’s recipient of the Jackie Johnson Fox Communities Credit Union Scholarship. Instead of sending a thank-you note as soon as I received this scholarship, I wanted to send this thank-you note when I completed my first and second semester classes you have so graciously given me. I wanted to do that so I had time to reflect on my semesters and classes so I could share with you the journey you’ve given me. Although my second semester is not yet completed, I am very close to doing so!
For my first semester, instead of looking at your scholarship as just money off my tuition, I looked at it as the credits/classes you have given me. During my first semester, you gave me my macro and micro economics classes, which were extremely difficult. However, when I would remind myself how incredibly fortunate I was that these classes were given to me because you believed in me that I would do well, it made me keep pushing to get a B! (That’s right, this class was so difficult for me that I aimed for a B.)
I also enjoyed talking about economics with my grandmother who absolutely loves anything to do with the world and our nation. She was very impressed with my knowledge of terms and awareness of how the nation and the world really runs, instead of just her opinion on how they run. I proved she is not always right. I know you’re sitting on the edge of your seat wondering, “Did she end up getting the B?“ and the answer is yes, for both classes! Plus, I made the honor roll that semester!
For my second semester, I thought of your scholarship as giving me my geology class and my business statistics class. My geology class was for my lab requirement. I learned about hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, floods and mass movements. This class was very fun for me because I am using technology throughout the whole class. I have been using Excel sheets to input data and create charts on data. I have also been using Google Earth Pro to fly around earth finding landmarks that have been made from weather or using software to watch the weather move.
My statistics class is definitely not as fun, but it is very informational. I absolutely love math, but statistics is definitely a different breed of math. As soon as you think you figure out a problem or how to do that problem, they switch it up on you and then you have to learn a different way. I believe I have figured it out and how to understand it in my best way. I have been doing very well on exams and assignments, but I know I will not be becoming a statistical engineer.
Closer to the end of my first semester, Thomas Frantz, who is the executive director of the University of Wisconsin Fox Cites Foundation, reached out to me asking if I would do an interview on how your scholarship has impacted me and about my future career goals. I was extremely emotional during this interview and the reason is because I have always struggled feeling like I was always forgotten about, or not seen for who I am. When I got your letter in the mail saying I was chosen for your scholarship, it made me feel like you believed in me, and that I was worth this scholarship. I recognized it is not about being the best in a group of people, it is about being my best all the time. And if I believe in myself, then I can achieve anything I put my mind to!
Here is the video of me talking about your scholarship and what it meant to me:
Overall, you have given me such an incredible gift this year. Although a thank-you will never be able to express how truly grateful I am, it can give you a good idea.
Thank you again,
Lucie Spanbauer
Scholarships for the 2023-24 school year open in early December.
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