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Stock transfers simple, tax savvy

Posted on Apr 19, 2022, by

Gifts of publicly traded stock and other securities are increasing in popularity as donors are finding a stock transfer is a simple and tax-savvy way to support the community while meeting their own financial goals.

In 2021, the Community Foundation’s donors gave over $18 million in stock contributions, with 35% of transfers made in December alone! Over the past five years, the Community Foundation experienced close to a 32% increase in the number of stock donations received to benefit nonprofit organizations within the community and beyond.

“Gifting appreciated stock or other securities has become integral in more and more people’s plans, selecting some that have grown in value well beyond normal expectations and turning smart stock selections into caring gifts that produce a human and community benefit,” said Curt Detjen, President and CEO.

Ann Engelhard

“At the end of last year, I worked with a woman who used shares of highly appreciated stock to create a fund,” says Ann Engelhard, Vice President of Donor Services and Gift Planning. “She had held the stock since the 1960s and its value had increased significantly. In working with her advisor, she learned she could provide more support to the nonprofits important to her than if she had used cash to create her fund. The best part was seeing her smile when she recommended the grants. It was a win–win situation!”

Dan and Ruth Bloedorn

Dan and Ruth Bloedorn

“To grow our Dan and Ruth Bloedorn Charitable Fund in the Chilton Area Community Foundation, each year we review our stock holdings and determine which stock has the greatest gains. We transfer the chosen stock shares directly from our account to the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region account and they sell the stock, and the proceeds go into our charitable account. This provides us with a tax deduction for the full value of the stocks we sold and no capital gain. The staff at the foundation makes it an easy process and a win-win situation. It is great to see our fund grow and increases the amount we can gift to our favorite causes each year.”

Barry and Mary Beth James

Barry and Mary Beth James

“We used a gift of appreciated stock to create our fund in 2016 and have continued to donate stock to support our annual grant making to area nonprofits. The Community Foundation’s staff works diligently with our advisors and keeps us informed throughout this annual process. It’s an easy and effective strategy allowing us to build a fund through which we can match specific community challenges along with our own directed charitable giving.”

Transfer instructions are available at or call us at 920.830.1290. To ensure your gifts of stock or other securities are promptly and properly administered, please contact us prior to transferring shares with the name and number of shares to be transferred. We also suggest you consult with your tax or financial advisor before initiating a transfer or making a significant gift.

Financial Advisors

The Community Foundation offers professional advisors many resources for starting the conversation with their clients, spotting giving opportunities and determining what, when and how to give. We welcome the opportunity to tailor a gift or charitable fund to your clients’ interests and goals.






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