Imagine Fox Cities – Keep the Conversation Going about Antiracism, Belonging and Community
Imagine Fox Cities was created in 2018 in an effort to shape a community vision that guides actions and decisions that advance the well-being of all who call the Fox Cities home. Imagine Fox Cities is eager to engage new leaders and voices and maintain what makes the Fox Cities such a special place to live and work for today and future generations.
On August 20, more than 550 community members joined together virtually for Imagine Fox Cities’ convening on: Antiracism, Belonging and Community.
It was a day of listening and learning featuring:
- “Becoming an Antiracist” with national speaker and author Tim Wise
- “The Changing Face of Race” with Lawrence University professor Jesus G. Smith
- “Spoken Word” with Fox Valley Technical College Scholar for Success Coordinator Anthony Miller (not included in the recording)
- A deep listening session with Lawrence University music instructors Leila and Brian Pertl
- “Loving Kindness Meditation” with assistant professor of religious studies at Lawrence University, Constance Kassor
- A Local Community Leadership Panel
If you were unable to participate in the day’s convening, we encourage you to visit here to watch and share the video.
What can you do now to keep the conversations going?
- Participate in and invite people you know to join you in Community Conversations about race happening now through October hosted by the Appleton Public Library and United Way Fox Cities Emerging Leaders.
- Check out our Conversations on Race: Community Conversations Host Guides. The goals of these conversations are to listen and share personal stories without judgement in order to create a foundation upon which to take action together to eliminate racism.
- Host a conversation on race using the conversation guides. Need help with leading a conversation? Request a facilitator here.
- Educate yourself about antiracism by using one or more of the resources on our list of videos, websites, podcasts and books.
- Share the availability of these opportunities with people you know such as: family, friends, coworkers, community and business leaders, faith community and others.
- Follow us on Facebook, comment and share our posts!
In addition to support provided by grants from the Bright Idea Fund and David L. and Rita E. Nelson Family Fund, both within the Community Foundation, several staff members serving on committees that are part of this ongoing effort.
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