How are you doing? A Message from Curt
I’m Curt Detjen, President and CEO of the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region, just checking in with everyone to make sure you’re getting along well. We’ve been honoring the Safe at Home order for the past several weeks, and this weather isn’t doing our moods any favors.
I wanted to encourage you to take some time for self care. It’s never been more important to focus on what truly matters, and to reach out to family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. And if you’re feeling overwhelmed of if you know people who aren’t coping well, several of our nonprofit partners have set up a “Warm Line” as a way to help people cope.
Just remember that this quarantine is not permanent, and there is light at the end of this tunnel. Take good care and stay well.
– Curt
Well said Curt. Thanks for your leadership!