Need a giving strategy? We can help!
By Carissa Kranz, donor services manager
The snow is piling up along with your to-do lists, and your mailbox is full of year-end appeals from your favorite charities. As you gear up for another busy holiday season, here are some charitable giving tips to consider:
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e are here for you! Share your stories and passions with us and let us help you find the right fit for your giving. We can offer support for you and your charitable wishes by sharing our knowledge of the community needs, recommending articles and books on philanthropy, or offering suggestions on how to discuss philanthropy with your children or grandchildren. December 13 is the last day to initiate grant recommendations to ensure delivery before year-end, so reach out soon.
Donating appreciated stock to the Community Foundation has a greater tax benefit than redeeming the security and donating cash. Learn more about the tax benefits of stock gifts by contacting us or visiting Please contact us in advance to ensure a prompt and accurate transfer of stock gifts.
. If you are age 70 ½ and older, you can make a gift directly from an IRA to a qualified charity while excluding the amount distributed from income. IRA owners can transfer up to $100,000 per year to one or more charities, including the Community Foundation. Under current law, IRA transfers to donor advised funds don’t qualify, but the Foundation offers other types of funds that do qualify. Charitable gifts from an IRA count against your required minimum distribution and reduce your income event if you don’t itemize.
Throughout this giving season and into the start of the new decade, the staff at your Community Foundation is here to help you accomplish all your charitable goals. Contact any one of us in Donor Services for assistance!
Interested in exploring a family fund? We have a variety of flexible fund options. Check them out here.
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