Werner family leaves a legacy to the Fox Valley
Jeff Werner and his wife Beth have been involved in many charitable endeavors over the years, and as lifetime Appleton residents, the two wanted to do something special to benefit their community long after they’re gone.

Jeff and Beth Werner
“We both felt it is important to continue to provide for the Fox Cities, a community that’s been really good to us,” said Jeff Werner, senior vice president and investment officer at Wells Fargo Advisors.
A few years ago, the two had set up the Jeff & Beth Werner Family Fund, a donor advised fund with the Community Foundation.
Recently the Werners decided to add a planned estate gift, and thus have joined the Himebaugh Legacy Circle with other donors who have included the Foundation in their planned giving.
“I didn’t do anything complicated like change my will,” Jeff said. “I simply made an adjustment to our IRA account and included the Foundation as one of two beneficiaries.”
The Werners’ gift will not only serve the Fox Valley for years to come, their legacy of giving will serve as a shining example to their two children, Matt and Megan.
Jeff was a Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region Board member for eight years and served as board president from 2014-2015. He continues to serve on the Foundation’s Investment Committee.
“I’m very familiar with its mission and have a lot of confidence in what the Foundation is doing to serve our communities,” Jeff said.
Want to join the Community Foundation’s Himebaugh Legacy Circle? It doesn’t matter what the amount of the gift is or whether you make a gift through your will or trust, an insurance policy, retirement account or other estate planning tool. To read more, click here.
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