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through the Community Foundation.

Rising tide of giving

Posted on Jul 25, 2013, by

Boat-for Curt's July 24 postThe old adage says “a rising tide lifts all boats.”  So how does that play out in community life?

Most would agree our economy is improving, albeit at a modest pace.  Add to that confidence survey results that are solidly in the positive category.

These are factors that strongly influence the charitable giving that determines our quality of life.  According to Giving USA, in its recently released Annual Report on Charitable Giving in America, there were modest overall increases in giving in 2012.

Total U.S. charitable giving increased by 3.5% last year.  Giving by individuals and foundations grew slightly above that average, while corporate giving was up 12.2% for the year.  A growing economy and stronger bottom lines translate into greater community investment.

Locally, we’ve seen the rising tide firsthand as total contributions to the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region have returned to the levels of giving that existed prior to the Great Recession.  Because people and companies give to and through the Foundation to help local nonprofit organizations and special causes, this is very good news for the entire Fox Valley area.

Enjoy the rest of your summer in our wonderful community.  As you do, take a moment to reflect upon the generosity and community spirit that makes living here so special and unique.

Curt Detjen is President and CEO of the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region. Email him at    Read our blogger bios.

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