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Tag: grant

Shawano-Area Grant Opportunities Available Now

Posted on Sep 8, 2020, by

The Shawano Area Community Foundation is now accepting grant applications from nonprofit organizations for the 2020 grant cycle. Traditionally, this fund has accepted applications for projects and programs in the area of arts and culture, community development, education, environment, and health and human services. For the 2020 annual grant cycle, the Shawano Area Community Foundation […]

The Durkee Family: A Generous Path to a Lasting Legacy

Posted on Jul 28, 2020, by

The Durkee family: Top: Jane, June, Nancy, Todd (Nancy’s husband). Bottom: Ray and Mary. Like many of us, Mary Durkee is watching the world change and adapting to a new way of doing things. She probably won’t be taking her annual trip to Europe with her three daughters this fall. Instead, she might take walks […]

Marsha tells her story of Rock the Block

Posted on Sep 17, 2015, by

September 17, 2015 Yesterday, the volunteer crew arrived bright and early, ready to rock my block! Volunteers removed an old decrepit chimney that was falling apart on my roof. Another couple of guys went to work on my landscaping. I had so many weeds and monster plants that I couldn’t see my neighbor’s driveway or […]

One woman’s personal Rock the Block story

Posted on Sep 2, 2015, by

Homeowner Marsha Jenks shares her journal entriesas her house, garage and yard are rehabbed during the Greater Fox Cities Area Habitat for Humanity’s first-ever Rock the Block blitz Sept. 14-19.  The Community Foundation helped RTB get started with a $300,000 Community Leadership Initiative grant. Habitat, as part of its new emphasis on home rehabilitation in addition to new home […]

With video spotlight, It Gets Better

Posted on Feb 16, 2015, by

As part of the It Gets Better project in the Fox Cities this week, community members, including sponsors of the project, were asked to record a short video about why it gets better for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) and other young people who are bullied. The Community Foundation is helping to make project activities […]

An insider’s perspective

Posted on Jun 19, 2013, by

As I come to the end of my term chairing the Community Foundation’s Board of Directors, I can say confidently that the volunteers and staff work very hard to strengthen our community for the present and the future. They clearly are helping people make a difference in the lives of others.