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Over $2 Million in Scholarships Available!

High School Seniors, Choose your School

Select below for other Scholarship Opportunities

Jewelers Mutual Scholarship

Criteria and Award Amount: Click here
Qualifications: Dependent children and stepchildren of non-executive associates employed at Jewelers Mutual for at least one year, as of April 1. Attending or plans to attend an accredited technical college, college, or university as a full-time student; minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA. Involvement in extracurricular activities and/or employment; leadership qualities. Students and previous recipients may re-apply each year of their undergraduate schooling; graduate students are INELIGIBLE to apply.
How to Apply: Apply Online through the Jewelers Mutual Scholarship Application

Ralph and Clare Rudolph Scholarship for Rockline Industries

Criteria and Award Amount: Click here
Qualifications: Graduating high school seniors who are dependent children and stepchildren of associates employed at Rockline Industries, for at least one year from the date the application closes (may vary). Applicants must be planning to attend an accredited 4-year college or university or a 2-year technical college as a full-time student. Also eligible are Rockline Industries associate’s dependent that has graduated high school, entered the military and upon return would be planning to attend an accredited four-year college or university or a two-year technical college. Minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) for college or 2.5 GPA for technical college. Involvement in extracurricular activities, community service, work experience/history, application essay. Financial need will be considered.
How to Apply: Apply Online through the Ralph and Clare Rudolph Scholarship for Rockline Industries Application

Rhoades Sanford Foundation Scholarship

Criteria and Award Amount: Click here
Qualifications: Graduating seniors from high schools in Outagamie, Shawano, Waupaca and Winnebago counties; Planning to attend an accredited 4-year college or university as a part-time or full-time student; Extracurricular activities, community service and work history with leadership roles; Financial need will be considered.
How to Apply: Apply Online through the Rhoades Sanford Foundation Scholarship Application

SECURA All-College Scholarship

Criteria and Award Amount: Click here
Qualifications: Dependent children of SECURA's non-executive associates (high school seniors and juniors entering college on Early Admission status); Planning to pursue an associate's or undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university as a full-time student; Minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA; Participation in extracurricular activities, including volunteering, and/or part-time employment outside of school; Preference may be given to students planning to pursue a business-related degree.
How to Apply: Apply Online through the SECURA All-College Scholarship Application

The Academy Martial Arts Leadership Scholarship

Criteria and Award Amount: Click here
Qualifications: Graduating high school seniors who have earned Black Belt from The Academy Martial Arts Leadership in Appleton, Wisconsin; Planning to attend an accredited 2- or 4-year college, university or technical school as a part-time or full-time student; Demonstrates leadership qualities through community service activities and/or work history.
How to Apply: Apply Online through the Community Foundation Universal Scholarship Application

Van Hoof Family Scholarship

Criteria and Award Amount: Click here
Qualifications: Applicants must be a current year graduating high school senior and a child or eligible stepchild of associates employed at a Van Hoof Company who have completed one year of employment on or before April 1st of the current school year. (Eligible stepchildren are those who reside in the employee’s household at least 50% of the year, or for whom the employee is mandated to be financially responsible.); Academic Performance - applicants must have attained at least a cumulative “C” average (2.00 GPA on a 4.00 system or equivalent) for scholarships to technical college/community college or junior college or a “B” average (3.00 GPA on a 4.00 system or equivalent) for 9th, 10th, 11th and first half of 12th year of high school for a university scholarship; Participation in extracurricular activities; Quality of application.
How to Apply: Apply Online through the Van Hoof Family Scholarship Application

WEAC Fox Valley – Henry V. Krokosky, Jr. Scholarship

Criteria and Award Amount: Click here
Qualifications: Graduating high school senior; must have a parent or legal guardian who is a current/active or retired WEAC member from one of the following school districts: Appleton Area School District, Fox Valley Technical College, Little Chute Area School District, Neenah Joint School District, School District of New London; Planning to attend an accredited 2- or 4-year college, university, or technical school as a full-time student; High school and community involvement, volunteer history, work experience; Strong academic performance.
How to Apply: Apply Online through the Community Foundation Universal Scholarship Application

Wisconsin Bakers Foundation – Manderfield Family Scholarship

Criteria and Award Amount: Click here
Qualifications: Graduating high school seniors or continuing college students (undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate levels) who are Wisconsin residents; Planning to or pursuing a certificate or a degree (diploma, associate, bachelors, masters, or doctorate) in a baking/pastry arts-related field that prepares the student for a retail baking profession; Planning to or attending an accredited 2-, 3- or 4-year college, university, technical school or vocational school, located in the state of Wisconsin, as a part-time or full-time student; Minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
How to Apply: Apply Online through the Wisconsin Bakers Foundation Scholarship Application

Wisconsin Bakers Foundation – Robert W Hiller Scholarship

Criteria and Award Amount: Click here
Qualifications: Graduating high school seniors or continuing college students (undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate levels) who are Wisconsin residents; Planning to or pursuing a certificate or a degree (diploma, associate, bachelors, masters, or doctorate) in a baking/pastry arts-related field that prepares the student for a retail baking profession; Planning to or attending an accredited 2-, 3- or 4-year college, university, technical school or vocational school, located in the state of Wisconsin, as a part-time or full-time student; Minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
How to Apply: Apply Online through the Wisconsin Bakers Foundation Scholarship Application

Wisconsin Garden Club Federation Myrtle B. Ogilvie Scholarship

Criteria and Award Amount: Click here
Qualifications: Undergraduate college students or graduating high school seniors; Pursuing the study of horticulture, floriculture, landscape design/architecture, botany, forestry, agronomy, plant pathology, environmental studies, city planning, land management or related studies as a full-time student; Attending an accredited 2- or 4-year college, university, or technical school located within the State of Wisconsin as a full-time student; Undergraduate college students must have a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA; Applicants must be Wisconsin residents; 50% based on academics; 30% based on financial need; 10% based on character; 10% based on occupational objectives.
How to Apply: Apply Online through the Wisconsin Garden Club Federation Universal Scholarship Application