A personal approach to giving. Your clients recommend grants for charitable causes that have special meaning for them, their family or their business. Learn more.
A focused approach to giving. Your clients support a broad charitable cause but allow the Community Foundation to select nonprofit projects or programs that meet their giving goals as grant recipients. Learn more.
A flexible approach to giving. Your client gives the Community Foundation Board and committees the means and the freedom to make grants that address ever-changing community needs. Learn more.
A generational approach to giving. Your clients work with the Community Foundation to establish criteria for selecting deserving students, whether it be ability, need, pursuit of a particular field of study or others. They may choose to be involved in awarding the scholarship. Learn more.
A sustaining approach to giving. Established by a charitable organization as an enduring source of its own support and stability. Learn More.
How much is needed?
A minimum of $10,000 ($15,000 for scholarships) is required to begin grantmaking from an endowed fund. (However, a Future Fund can be started with a minimum of $1,000.)
A non-endowed fund has no minimum. Grants may be awarded from the fund in any amount, and at any time. If all fund assets are distributed, the fund will be closed.
How long will the fund last?
An endowed fund may distribute up to 4.5% of its asset value each year. The balance remains invested for future years.
If a permanent endowment does not suit your clients’ charitable goals, you may advise them to establish a non-endowed fund. A non endowed fund may have a short or long-term horizon and provide flexibility, and may be converted into an endowed fund in the future. Grants may be awarded from the fund in any amount, and at any time. If all fund assets are distributed, the fund will be closed. No minimum gift amount or balance applies to non-endowed funds.
Ready to Start A Fund?
Let’s get started! Simply submit this online Start A Fund application to the Community Foundation. You can fill this out while you meet with your clients, or send them this link electronically.