"It is one important way in which we can thank our great staff for their hard work and their dedication." - Dr. Jack & Glenda Rhodes
Help from Our Friends
Our Friends of the Foundation Fund supports our mission and our annual operations. Gifts to this fund help us to effectively steward the charitable dollars that have been entrusted to us, to engage people and organizations in giving that sustains our community’s quality of life, and to provide thoughtful, creative leadership to address community needs.
Our role in building these vital connections is a direct result of the contributions thoughtful donors and friends have made to our Friends of the Foundation Fund over the years.
Your support the of the Friends of the Foundation Fund, no matter the amount, helps the Foundation continue to build upon this important work and makes a difference in our community. Together, we can truly make the Fox Valley a better place to live, work and play for everyone.
Donate to our Friends of the FoundationFundonline here.
You may also donate via mail at
CFFVR/Friends of Foundation Fund Community Foundation 4455 W. Lawrence St. Appleton, WI 54914
Words from friends:
.“The Foundation’s expertise helps guide and streamline the generosity of area families.”
Tom & Judy Verhagen
“The Community Foundation does so many things to benefit the Fox Valley Region, I simply felt the Friends of the Foundation was worthy of our support.” Alan Blake
“Ed and I could not think of a better way to express our personal support for all of the work done by the Foundation.” Carol Sanders
“We are fortunate to live in the Fox Valley, where people are very generous with their time and resources. We want to help ensure that the Foundation continues in its philanthropic mission.” Judy & Bob Mickelson
“The Community Foundation is a way to impact immediate needs in our neighborhoods, as well as plant seeds for future growth and opportunities for the region.” Dr. Montgomery “Monk” Elmer
“The Foundation’s work is all about community. This is one way I choose to give back to the community that has meant so much to my family and me over the years.” Dr. Susan May