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Director of Gift Planning
Michelle Lippart Hardwick



Himebaugh Legacy Circle

Be recognized for shaping tomorrow today by planning an after-lifetime gift to us.

The Himebaugh Legacy Circle recognizes those who have made future plans for their favorite charitable causes through a bequest or similar deferred gift to the Foundation. It’s a way we can celebrate the impact you make on the people and projects that matter to you long after you are no longer here.

Make it happen

It doesn’t matter what the amount of the gift is or whether you make a gift through your will or trust, an insurance policy, retirement account or other estate planning tool. To join the Legacy Circle, Click on the button to complete our membership form or call our office at 920.830.1290. We can also provide you with bequest language to give to your attorney.

What will be your legacy?


Donald and Violet Himebaugh 

How It All Started

Donald and Violet Himebaugh loved the Fox Valley. The couple – he an accountant, she a Spanish teacher – delighted in watching eagles soar over the Fox River from their modest home. The Himebaughs made the entire Fox Valley their heirs upon their deaths in 2004 by making a bequest of $16 million to the Community Foundation to use for whatever community needs arise. 

Under the care of the Community Foundation, the Himebaughs’ loving legacy will forever shape the community they valued so dearly. To honor their tremendous gift to the community, the Himebaugh Legacy Circle was created to recognize people who — in the same spirit of giving as the Himebaughs — plan gifts to be made after their lifetimes.

Himebaugh Recognition:     327 members as of 02/14/2025!

Alan and Lori Loux
Alan+ and Judy Zierler
Amelia and Walter+ Rugland*
Amy Putzer*
Ann Guyon
Babs and Michael Smith
Barb Romenesko
Barbara and Graham Werner
Barbara and William Kelly
Barbara Russell
Becky and Jon Stellmacher
Ben and Betsy Rozelle*
Beth J. Karlson
Bill and Joan+ Geenen*
Bob and Becky Boehlen
Bob and Char Sigman*
Bob and Elinor Underhill*
Bob and Pat Endries
Brian and Sharon Godfrey
C. Raymond+ and Mary R. Durkee
Carter and Carol Noble*
Cathy and Peter Mutschler*
Cecile Kuebler
Chad Hershner and Jeff Amstutz
Charles Self
Chuck and Barb Merry*
Clarence J. and Elnor L.+ Loehning
Cody Splitt+
Curt and Martha Knoke*
Curt* and Melissa Detjen
Cynthia L. Wyngaard
Daniel & Annamarie Engelhard
Darlene Stumpf
David and Audrey Aardappel*
David and Jean Horst
David and Katie Lardinois
Diane B. Ostrand*
Diane K. Mertens
Dick and Chris Calder+*
Don and Laurie Kleist*
Donna and Robert Kidder
Doug and Gayle Buth
Doug+ and Carla Salmon
Douglas D. Hahn and Susan F. Hahn*
Dr. Chick Fenlon+*
Dr. Jim and Su Marotz
Dr. Michael and Stephanie Vrabec
Earl Kinjerski and Patricia Schoenborn-Kinjerski
Edward R. and Carol P. Sanders
Elaine A. Ven Rooy and Donald Ristau
Eugene and Susan Doell
F. James and Mary Grist+
Frances M. Bollenbeck*
Francis and Marilyn Shearer
Frank and Jean+ Koffend
Frank and Myrtle Feivor+*
Fred and Susan Kampo*
George and Janice Elias
Gerald and Patricia Rickman
Geraldine Loderbauer+
Gordon and Marilyn Holten*
Greg and Mary Haasl
Greg and Peggy Wendt
Gregg and Mary Clare Curry*
Harold and Doris Miller+*
Harold and Jane+ Schiferl
Harry and Carla Reichwald
Harry Welch
Helen Hardt Oskar+*
Irv and Sue Curry+*
Jack and Glenda Rhodes+*
Jack and Kathleen Meyer
Jacy and David Park
James R. Reichel+
James+ and Mary Kabacinski*
Jane Kleinschmidt
Janice A. Bombinski and Roy J. Zuege
Jeannine Christiane Wyman Kenevan and Shannon Lee Wyman Kenevan
Jeff and Elizabeth Werner
Jeff and Jone Riester*
Jeff and Kristi Picken
Jeff and Mary Harp-Jirschele*
Jeff and Shelby Knezel*
Jerold and Charlotte Wienandt
Jerold T. Selle
Jerry and Ann Stein
Jim and Melody Hanson
Joan and Gene Wasserberg+*
Joan and Leo Bernardin
Joanne Delforge
Joe and Ann Bielinski*
Joe and Christine McMahon
Joe and Jackie+ McGrane
John and Susan Toussaint
John Kestly*
John P. and Julia Metternich Olson
John+ and Sally Mielke*
Jolene Verstegen
Joseph Gordon Gellings*
Joseph Van Alstine
Karen Alesch
Karen Boeder
Karen Gilmore
Katherine and John Davis
Katherine Westover*
Kelly and Sheila Kornely*
Kim and Dave O’Brien
Kim and Walter Schonfeld
Kimberly A. Petersen*
Larry L.+ and Sandy S. Kath*
Laura Derocher
Lawrence Sawyer and Debra McDowall
Lee and Jan Siudzinski
Linda Grishaber
Linda Heckel*
Lon and Ellen Swedberg
Lori Dehlinger Van Alstine
Lorraine Steuck
Louis and Alissa Clark
Lyle and Christine Richter*
Lynn & Dan Kobussen
Mabel R. McClanahan+*
Mame and Daniel Heaney*
Margaret Gilbert Schmerein+*
Marilyn E. Toepel
Mark and Tobi Johannsen*
Mary and Don Alesch+
Mary K. Jones
Mary Sturtevant+*
Maurice J. Johnson
Maynard and Rose Marie Kettner
Michael and Patricia Exarhos
Michael Van Asten
O.C.+ and Pat Boldt*
Otto and Joyce A. Bytof+*
Patricia McConnell and Montgomery Elmer
Patrick and Anne Riley*
Patrick Fahrenkrug
Patty Murphy
Paul and Carol Anderson
Paul and Catherine Lombardi
Paul and Elaine Greene
Peg and Gerry Henseler*
Peter and Connie Roop
Peter and Joann Mariahazy
Ralph E. Dorn
Raquel and Gregory Strayer*
Ray and Betty Smith+
Richard & Theresa Braatz
Richard A. and Jennifer A. Bergstrom*
Richard and Karen Gosse
Richard and Susan Detienne*
Richard N. Boya+*
Rick and Janet Jandl
Robert and Christine Faulks
Robert and Jodie Larsen
Robert L. and Amy J. Sanders
Robert+ and Susan Kinde
Roger and Lynn Van Vreede
Ron and Lisa Thiry
Roy and Donita Gross+
Roy and Lucy Valitchka
Ruth Elmer*
Sara and Bruce Companik
Shad and Julie Derozier*
Sharon I. Steinert Johnson*
Stanley Cottrill+*
Suzanne Oberhauser+
Tammy* and Tim Geenen
Thomas and Eloise Godfrey+
Thomas Beyer and Barbara Bermel*
Thomas+ and Mary Stadler
Tim and Joy Neuville*
Todd and Mary Raether*
Tom and Andrea+ Tatlock
Tom Endries
Torin and Lynn Akey
Victoria and Lyle+ Reigel
Warren and Linda+ Schneider
William and Cynthia Jatczak
William and Sandra Rogers
William John Planner and Bonne Elias Planner
William+ and Kristine Foth
Wyon and Mary Jo Wiegratz*

Anonymous (7)
Anonymous* (1)
Anonymous+* (2)

+ of Blessed Memory
* Himebaugh Charter Members

Legacy Stories

Rick and Sue Detienne
Mary Lamers Grist
Ray and Mary Durkee
Larry Sawyer & Debra McDowall
Cindy Wyngaard
Jeff and Beth Werner
Donita Gross
Earl & Patti Kinjerski
Ben and Betsy Rozelle
Christine and Robert Faulks
Karen and Dick Gosse
Roger & Lynn Van Vreede
Pat & Jerry Rickman
Don Ristau & Elaine Ven Rooy
Lori K. Dehlinger Van Alstine
Becky and Jon Stellmacher